Dear Sam….

The week I came to visit, Halloween happened & the first assessment of the year!

Over half term I came to visit you in London & had a fab time! We went to Camden, Stratford & also China town 🙂 it was nice to have some time away and a break from everything 🙂

Saturday 29th October

Halloween weekend has begun and boy have a got a few makeups to do for it! The first being a friend called Charlotte who I know from work, she wanted the half skull face which looked awesome once I had finished. Next up was Ben & his friends who all wanted different looks for an event going on in town, they all looked fab aswell. After I had finished up there it was on to a local nightclub to do makeup for all the staff ready for a Halloween event. They basically got to be whatever they wanted.

Monday 31st October

Today university was shut, not sure why but that meant we didn’t need to go in, I spent the day sorting some uni work out and getting my kit all cleaned up ready for the evening. I was back at the nightclub that I was at Saturday night ready for the Purge themed party they were having. This time I took mum along for the added help. Although it was purge night, it was really hard to create that “purge mask” look and we attempted it about 4 times but it just wasn’t happening! They all ended up with the white faces and crosses on their foreheads. (I am determined to get that look right!) Me and mum are going to have a practice of it at home on ourselves to get it right!

Tuesday 1st November

November has begun which means not long until Christmas now 😀 I was super duper tired this morning as I didn’t finish until late last night. It was so cold at 6am aswell! Today in Sam’s class was our first assessment of the year! The one that we had been building up to with these moustaches. My model arrived and I sat him down ready to begin! I was a little un organised and had a few hiccups along the way. However it all came together in the end 🙂 The final look turned out great and now I’m ready to photoshop them and have them ready for submission date in January 😀

Anna-May this week had something she had to go do, so we didn’t have to go to her lesson this week 😀 which meant I got to go home early which was great for me as I felt like death 😀

Roll on home time!

Speak Soon

Hannah xx


Dear Sam….

Dear Sam…

The week the sculpting begun!, hair fruit & the face paints are out in force!


over the weekend I decided to have ago at creating a few things for myself, and practice using polymorph plastic to create teeth!, I decided to come up with this eye piece with loads of teeth all over it. Ones iv created and resin teeth that I bought online. and this is what I came up with….14666112_10153640561121362_3312111133629706033_n

I created the piece first on my own face cast, added in the teeth and then pre painted it before applying it to my face :D, I also decided to play around with my facepaints again and have another go at doing a neon zombie! I love these things!



Monday 17th October

Today in Tina’s class, it was about time I started on that bloody mould! actually putting clay to face cast lol….so it begun, im going for an alien/intergalactic type creature thing… just winging it basically! what I do best! 😀 and here it is…


still not 100% finished but I’m getting there, after half term its time to finish it off and get it moulded ready for application and assessments. Also this week I had to finish of the bald cap I was doing with silicone to make it thicker, so hopefully my plan will work, however to this date (Friday) its doing my head in as its not working how I want it to 😦 Leave it with me I’m on it!


again no Garry this week, which were not complaining about as that means we get to finish at 2:30 😀


Tuesday 18th October

No Leah today as she had Bieber fever hahaha (She went to see him Monday night aha)

Today I finally finished my moustache! its ready for cutting and styling into the style I want 😀 I’m so happy to be done knotting each individual hair! Phew, the second photo is Nicole’s beard which is almost finished lol, she was trying it out on my face lol.

Also in todays lesson we had an hour, in groups to come up with a hair creation using extra hair and to be as extravagant as we could! so Me, Hannah C, Nicole & Lauren had the idea for the pineapple pen/Apple pen song which is on the internet at the minute, however I said maybe we should do a fruit bowl instead, with all the colours laying around. We made a Pineapple, Orange, Banana & Apple. Me and Hannah C were on Fruit duty, while Lauren had to prep Nicole’s hair & Nicole was on the duty of creating the bowl for all the fruit to sit in, we had so much fun and ours turned out great (Plus we didn’t cheat :P)

Between Sam & Anna May we had a break and found this leaf outside that me and Lauren were obsessed with because it had big water droplets on it from when it had been raining 🙂


Anna Mays class this week was playing a pub quiz without the alcohol 😛 and the questions were based on the guest lecturer we had the week before, we also had a few task sheets to do and then it was time for home 🙂

I’m Coming down to see you this weekend as its half term next week & I’m looking forward to having a break away

See You Soon!

Hannah xx




Dear Sam…

Dear Sam….

I’m officially a 2nd year! The new term is about to begin! & Summer Hols are over!


Its currently Wednesday & the new term begins on Monday the 12th! I made it to the second year which is a start aha! who knew! after an eventful summer holiday & a break from it all, I’m ready to begin again and conquer a new year, with new creations, designs and characters. Although this a quick post to get me back into the swing of things, Im excited to see everybody again as I have missed them all…. this could possibly be the year we both graduate!

I have a basket full of new makeup on standby ready to purchase for my kit & the new student year, however student finance cant pull their finger out and sort out my money! I caught up with Nicole the other day and were both so excited to start the new plus iv not seen Leah since we left! (its been 1 whole year since we all first met and it feels like a lifetime) I need my usual Monday update on the train of the weeks shenanigans 😀 so roll on Monday to find out what’s been going on! Plus this years schedule is exciting! 5 hours almost on a Monday of SFX! bring it on!

The house is on its way! remembering my last post about it when I moved in and how I wanted the ground to swallow me up from all the stress & building work that needed doing 😦 However the first floor is almost complete & mum has until November to get it done ready for the house warming she planned ha!

I’m so excited for your show this year & having another trip to London to live as a student for a week again!  Roll on October! lol

Blog posting will commence again as of next week!

Speak Soon



Dear Sam….

Dear Sam….


The week of 1940’s Photoshop, Face Casting Stage 2 & Harry Potter World

Pre warning this blog is going to have loaaads of photos 😛


Monday 7th March..

Lindsay’s class this week was this smart target stuff again, nothing exciting just pulling ourselves together ready for this new essay thing we got to write 😀

Vicky’s this week was us sorting out our Fairy-tale idea and which Lost Boy we were picking to do for the assessment 🙂 I’m so excited to start making the outfit and everything for this assessment 😛

Carl’s class involved me photo shopping my 1940’s photos, still not finished it or 100% happy, but its getting there, I managed to remove the logo off her boiler suit and Photoshop a giant British flag behind her, Oh and we greyed it slightly.


Tuesday 8th March…

This week in Sam’s class all the other girls had their 1940’s assessments, me and Nicole were supposed to practice airbrushing for our superhero assessment, but she ended being roped in as a model for Ashleigh, so ill let her off, so I pretty much pottered about, annoyed everyone and had a mess around with the airbrushing gun for the whole of 10 mins lol… this is what I achieved hahaha 😀 Loads Right!


We finally finished the moulding part of our prosthetics, and it was time to do the next stage. Basically you have to build a moat around the prosthetic piece to pour the silicone on to create the negative mould!, so this involved loads of WED clay being built up (WED clay is clay that Walt Disney uses to create little figures, its named after him) So by this point my mould started to look like a dinosaur hahaha

you put little keyhole things in the clay so you can pop the mould out when the silicone has been poured in, we even had to cover the eyes with these star shapes, which makes it look really creepy!

Next step its to mix picture A and picture B together which creates the first layer of silicone which takes 6 hours to cure (Dry)

Picture A                                Picture B                        Final piece

So next week we pour another layer on top of what we have done to create the final piece of the mould, for the next step.


Wednesday 9th March.

I went to Nicole’s house to meet up with her ready to head to Manchester, we nipped into Manchester town centre so I could grab a new suitcase for uni & one of those neck pillows for the long journey we had coming up the following day. Leah met up with us in Manchester, so we could grab some food which was yum!, we found this noodle bar, which is right next to the train station, where you can fill it up with noodles and toppings and eat loads, The spring rolls weren’t very nice, and it was pretty filling but it was nice lol. It doesn’t look very appetising but it was lol.


Molly came to pick us up, ready to head to the supermarket to grab some munchies for the bus the next day. Stocking up on Sweets, chocolate and more junk food, we were ready. Slumber party at Molly’s, we had a good time, even though we had a boiling night sleep, Nicole decided to sleep on me and Leah made weird noises when she slept hahahaha.


Thursday 10th March…. Harry Potter Day!!!

5am wake up call, to get out life together, jump in the car and get  to uni for 6am for the bus which would drive us all the way down to London to Harry Potter Studios! 5 hours it took on the way there on this really fancy bus we had, where the chairs reclined and it had a toilet :D.

Arriving at 11am we were all dying of tiredness, but we were excited to be there 😀

Queuing To Get In!


Harry potter’s bed in the cupboard (Below) was one of the smallest sets that was created for the movie.


Harry’s Cupboard
The Great Hall
Mrs McGonagall’s Costume  
Mad Eye Moody’s Costume


Makeup/Hair & The Next Section Of The Tour!

The Makeup stations and some products used in the movie
Makeup Station
Products used to attach things such as beards & Moustaches.
Authentic Bellatrix Le Strange Wig
All Wigs Used In The Movie




Panorama Of First Section

Second Part Of The Tour/ ButterBeer & Face Casting Section

Random Fact but there were 17 fire places made in the Ministry Of Magic, all the green tiles were made from wood and hand painted (they blew them all up in one of the last movies), and they made 15,000 orbs for the Atrium (handmade) and then decided to use CGI instead after all the hard work of making them.

Defence Against the Dark Arts Class



Panorama Of Defence Against the Dark Arts Class


The SFX side of the movie was really cool, we got to see all the face casts of the different characters & Actors, all the Animatronics’ such as the book that has the teeth, buck beak who moved and blinked, the giant spider which took 16 people just to operate and things like Voldemort when he was that little gremlin thing which moved and so did the Mandrake which bopped up and down out of his plant pot lol.

Me Drinking Butter Beer Which Was Disgusting!
Gave Nadia The Butter Beer Outside Privet Drive
Privet Drive
Nicole, Nadia, Leah, Me, & Lauren On Hagrid’s Bike
The Night Bus – Take It Away Ernie!

Firstly Butter Beer Is Rank! Its Like a soda float, that’s fizzy and buttery but also bitter! The white foamy scum on the top is nice though! 😛  Me & Nicole shared one as we weren’t sure if we were going to like plus it was £7 just for one cup! privet drive was shut but apparently as of May there opening it up so you can go in and have a look around. Also in that section was the wooden bridge, I think it was the shrieking shack, Ron’s blue car & Hagrids bike.

It was cool that you got to go on the Hogwarts express, and look in all the carriage’s. They were layed out like they were in the film’s and it showed which film and year it was from. We didn’t want to pay £14 for the professional images lol, so we cheated and took pictures of them when they came up on the screen 😀

Giant Replica of Hogwarts
The Backside OF Hogwarts

Looking at all the architecture and drawings they did before they even created the movies was amazing!, when we walked around the corner, this giant replica of Hogwarts was there! I mean its HUGE! and we were like WOW!

Fred & Georges Sweet Shop / Weasley’s Puking Pastille’s
Nadia & Nicole In Diagon Alley
Me & Nadia Outside The Sweet Shop

We had an amazing day, even though it was tiring and I didn’t get back to my own bed until 1am on Friday morning lol. From the gift shop I bought one of those Snap board things they use in the movies when there doing a scene! 😀 always wanted one! plus before we left, we noticed there was a new film set being built for a new movie! we had a guess what it might be. However I was on a mission to find out exactly! So I ran over to the fence, this bloke on a fork lift truck was driving past… I shouted OI! & This was literally the convo:

Me: What going to be filmed on this set?

The Bloke: I’m not aloud to tell you….

Me: Ahhh please I wont tell anyone lol, Give me a clue!

The Bloke: Well where are you?  Its something related to Harry Potter

(We guessed that it was Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them, which is the book Harry Potter reads in one of the movies)

Me: So is it to do with the book Harry reads?

The Bloke: (Winks at me) Yes!!!

Woooooooooooo!! So apparently its being filmed in the summer and will be out soon starring Eddie Redmayne! (Sorry Mr Fork lift Man but I can keep my mouth shut!) 😛

HOME TIME!!!!! it was time for me to crawl into bed after the long day that we had

had such a lovely day! love my little uni family 😀

Speak Soon

Hannah xx

Dear Sam….

Dear Sam….

The week of half term & the week where Nicole became a fairy & I finally finished that mould iv been whinging about for weeks lol.


I came to visit you in London for half term, and we had a really good time :P.  Living a student life for a few days wasn’t the best though haha, being freezing cold all the time and having to cook for ourselves for a change haha.  Anyway Sunday was fun for me even though I didn’t see you for part of the day, it was nice for me to step out of my comfort zone, hop on the tube and head to Oxford Street for some needed retail therapy :D.  Monday was nice for us all to go out to Covent Garden For Lunch at that Big Easy place which was like a lobster shack aha!. Then it was on to Camden to weave in and out all the little market stalls and down the main strip bit and look at all the shops. Ronan even wanted to break my Cyber Dog “virginity” haha because id never been in there… although I’m pretty sure we had years ago! We were out from 11am – 8pm and safe to say we were shattered by the end of it! Tuesday rolled around and we headed to Covent Garden again to meet up with dad & Oscar… and even though the British Museum wasn’t that exciting & Oscar got cross because the “magic” words I told him to say to make the mummies come to life didn’t work, we can say we have now been lol :D.  Heading to Embankment was nice to go have a look at the Thames and the London eye and stuff, and stuffing our faces full of Nutella & Waffles YUM!… it was lovely to have a chill out & a catch up with dad…. after he left we headed off to Trafalgar Sq. to look in that BORING art museum lol…. although you were adamant we looked around hahaha! plus your rapping to that Rastafarian guy in Oxford Street was hilarious! definitely a fun memory to have which is why I had to write this down 😛



Back To University!

Monday 22nd February

Seeing the gang again after a week and a bit is nice…. because weirdly I do miss them when I don’t see them haha… catching up on the train about what had been going on over half term and about my trip to London was funny to… this week we headed in a bit later than usual as we weren’t sure who’s lesson we were in this week! turns out all of them *Head In Hands* we got a little excited thinking we were going to miss a few haha. In Lindsay’s this week we were playing a quiz where we won sweets if we got the answer right! Me being me was straight in there lol any mention of chocolate or sweets I’m there 😛 although we had finished that 2000 word essay, Lindsay thought it would be a great idea to drop on us that we have another 1,500 to write!!! SAKE!!! It will be a doddle I’m sure lol. Next up was Vicky’s and this week it was a demo on Fairy tale…. Nicole nominated herself to be worked on lol. She was a fairy from A Mid Summers Night Dream (Never Seen It) hahaha but she looked pretty funky.  And it was glitter galore…. that shit gets everywhere! lol




This week in Carl’s lesson it was back to Photoshop again and FML its the worst programme in the history of this world! I mean seriously have you ever tried doing anything on that stupid thing 😀 it just doesn’t cooperate! By 4:30 id had enough and it was time to head home lol.

Tuesday 23rd February

Sam’s class was practicing 1940’s AGAIN! lol although this week I decided to sit on my laptop and sort out my Pinterest boards and sort my assessment idea out, by the 3rd hour it was stressing me out so I decided to Dutch plait everyone’s hair… they all started to look the same haha. Sam clicked on and said to me is there any other plaits id like to learn! it then became a gathering as she showed us how to do a 4 stem flat plait, a 6 stem basket plait thing and then a 3D plait… it actually taught me something new and widened my variety of plait making *don’t know why I found that funny* hahaha so the lesson became more interesting lol. Iv been given a new nickname from Lisa & a few others…. Hissy fit Hannah lol because I stress all the time hahaha Thanks guys!


Finally in Tina’s lesson this week, I actually turned my mould that has taken me 2 weeks of pulling the clay off and re applying it! into something I like and is heading in the direction that I had in mind! PHEW! I’m pretty pleased with it actually and Tina did comment on how relaxed I was hahaha patience gets you places iv decided 😛 Next week its on to creating the actual prosthetic pieces now its been smoothed out & textured. Nicole’s pieces that she’s making to fit my face look really cool as well, she spent all lesson creating teeny tiny scales onto her mould (which I didn’t get a picture of :()

Its assessments next week so kill me now as all this week I got to sort my life out and pull my shit together…

Speak Soon Hannah xx


Dear Sam….

Dear Sam…

The week when half term beings!, Leah’s birthday came around && See You later Essay!!


Monday 8th February…

Hallelujah!!!!!!! that bloody essay that has been the Bain of my life since November has finally been submitted & is over! it was a 2000 word essay and I struggled, dread to think what its going to be like when I do my 10,000 in the third year hahaha…. anyway rolling in to uni this week at 1pm, we sat in the library frantically trying to help Leah get the last of her essay on to word, because like most of us she left it until last minute.  Putting the last touches to them all, we all went up to dispensary to hand them over, sign our life away and never see them again until we get the results haha.  this week we didn’t have to go into Lindsay’s or Vicky’s as they were both marking this week, we only had to go in and finish off work.  However we did need to go to Carl’s and finish up some touches on Photoshop! We do have this great idea for our fairy-tale assessment which involves throwing either paint powder over each other or colour shaving foam to re-create the scene in Hook, around the dinner table… so excited but its going to be super duper messy!

On my way home from uni, we left at quarter to 5, I had to change trains in Nicole’s hometown! sat waiting for the train to move, they announced that further up the line they had lost electricity!!!!!! not happy…2 and a half hours it took me to get home, I ended having to get a bus all the way back! not happy! Thanks for that Virgin!

Tuesday 9th February..

Its Leah’s Birthdaaaaay!!! & We bought her a Colin The Caterpillar Cake!!!!!! it was yummy!


Sam’s lesson this week was practicing 1940’s again, I let Nicole practice her makeup skills on me again while I just messed around with her hair so I could see how to do it for my assessment. I then robbed Nadia’s bandana and decided to just hang about and annoy everyone as usual hahaha.

onto Tina’s lesson and this week we were still sculpting out our faces, I did have photos but its so bad at the minute I cant even look at it haha, I have literally pulled the clay off of it about 9 times by now, I even had to ring mum for her to give me words of advice aha! thankfully it slowly starting to look better.  With a little bit of patience & some time it will turn out how I want it to look eventually hahaha… I did beg Tina to let me bring it home but she wont :(.

Its Half Term now aswel!!

Anyway! I’m coming to visit this week and I’m so excited!! to get away for a few days and have some fun!

See you Friday 😛

Hannah xx

Dear Sam…

Dear Sam…..

The week I actually photo shopped, the 1940’s became a thing && we started sculpting *Cheeeer*

First of all I had a major hair mare the other day when I put stripper in my hair and then turned it orange!!! yes orange!! I couldn’t leave the house like that!, so I gave my trusty hairdresser a text to see if she could help me & she did the star! and now I have luscious blonde hair and I love it 😀 12592327_10153104081036362_3546674068190432795_n

Monday 1st February..

Monday morning I felt really good for a change, normally I’m dying from lack of sleep, but this week I felt really good (I did roll in at 11am) 😀 because of these 1 to 1 tutorials I don’t have to be until at least 12pm so this week I got a lay in :D…… I decided when I got in that I was going to book my place on the Harry Potter trip which is happening in March 😛 (Excited!!!!) Me & The gang are heading to London by coach to visit Harry Potter World!… Annnyway this week I decided I need to apologise to Carl for avoiding his lessons for the past like 5 weeks and actually explain to him my reasons why lol, Thankfully he was actually serious with me for a change lol.

Vicky’s lesson this week was basically us handing in our advertisement assessments ready to be marked *Head In Hands* with us all frantically getting our lives together this week trying to get these journals finished to be handed in (Only because we had a week to do it). Thankfully mine wasn’t to bad I signed my name away and handed it over with no looking back and no chance to change it lol.  First Book of the year to be submitted *Round Of Applause*.

Actually walking into Carl’s lesson today and sitting down in front of the Apple Mac, it was time to crack on with photo shopping this advertisement picture that needed doing and although I’m not happy with the actual image itself for numerous reasons, the picture didn’t turn out to bad (with Carl’s help of course).  It was a little stressful with not actually knowing the tools on it & button bashing hoping for the best I was happy with the outcome……. see picture 😛 (Not the finished image)ADVERTISMENT_FINAL


Tuesday 2nd February..

7:30am train and no Leah this morning, just me and Nicole en route,

Sam’s lesson was fully practical and it was us practicing 1940’s hair and makeup on each other ready for our assessment that’s not far away. Me & Nicole were working on each other this week, Nicole did my hair and makeup for a practise and I just practised Nicole’s makeup :P.  It was fun getting to colour match our foundations, play around with this cool mineralised powder we got and bringing out the grail of all holy grail’s – the red lipstick of course! Making a statement! aha 😀 12645239_10153102790581362_2544837918313206782_n12647497_10153102790591362_4100941860962656433_n12647014_10153526091946859_5254744960073689763_n12687815_10153102790416362_8734154927896602594_n12662454_10153526091761859_4258930193783109474_n


(Rollers & Makeup, Rollers out with wavy hair, of course you have to take a selfie! me and my victory rolls 😀 & Nicole’s fabulous 1940’s makeup :P)


Tina’s this week was us finally starting to mould with clay onto our casted faces!.  we could finally crack on with what we wanted to do, so I set out creating my fawn nose… 4 attempts it took me before I finally was getting happy with the way it was going! its not 100% how I want it and I still need to have a play around with it, but me and Nicole thought it would be wise to stop after 2 hours before we starting pulling all the clay off again or over working it and ruining them, so we packed our things and headed home.

On a lighter note I’m coming to visit next Friday for a few days, I’m excited for what we got planned, its going to be fun for half term! Only one more week to go of uni then it’ll be half term so not long to go!

See You soon

Hannah xx


Dear Sam…..

Dear Sam….

Christmas, A New Year, Your Drunkenness && Back To Uni It Is!

I’ve not posted for the whole of pretty much 3 weeks, its been a crazy three weeks to be honest… You came home, I came home early lol, your mad drunkenness, a new year and lots of festiveness. – This is going to be a long post, I know it (Head in hands)

I don’t know where to begin!

You came home early for the Christmas break, so I got to see you for 2 weeks, and have a catch up on all that’s been going on in life. As Christmas rolled around, it was time to head back to our old home town to spend Christmas with the Grand’Rents. It was nice to catch up with some old school friends of ours :), I got to catch up with my old friend Luke who I’ve known for 7 years I reckon! I was just having my annual visit to him! See you next Christmas Luke! hahaha…. and YOU got really drunk, and as we picked you up @ 7am, you were still drunk in the car lol ( See Picture B), we had games of Star Wars Monopoly (Because we can) & ate so much food until we burst because its Christmas!! Of course your allowed!


The days in between Christmas & New Year are always those days where you cant remember what actual day it is or what to do with yourself because nothing  ever exciting happens on those days!… the 29th rolled around and it was time for us to head up to London for New Year & See the rest of the family, and although our visit was cut short and didn’t go exactly to plan, it was a funny two days together!…. I said goodbye to you at London Euston & headed back up north to spend a crazy New Year With a crazy bunch :D. As I rang you at midnight (not that you would remember because you were wasted) you were stood on a balcony somewhere in the middle of London watching the fireworks and telling me how much you love me and that I’m the best sister in the world (eheem) (why thanks). The first New Year iv not spent with you in 19years!

On New Years Day I got a chance to reflect on the whole year & how so much has changed, from you getting in to circus school & making me the proudest sister ever! you moving out & 3 becoming 2, me starting my own path and attending university which I thought I never would (Getting soppy Now SOZ!) Starting last New Year unhappy & Leaving 2016 Happier with a new group of friends & Starting the next chapter in my life, hopefully this one will be a good year with so many more memories to add to my memory wall….. which leads me to the new set of polaroid’s I had done as a treat to add to my collection, with all the memories from 2015 in them.


It was back to university on the 5th just for 3 hours in Tina’s lesson for the demo of face casting. First off though, to make the day worth going in, we decided to head into Manchester city centre for a spot of retail therapy, we had to nip to Primark to exchange some Christmas presents, then went for a look around Affleck’s palace… which wasn’t really for my taste but Nicole & Lauren were in their element 🙂 I just followed around picking up random odds and ends and asking what the hell we were doing lol…..


hopping on the train to uni, it was nice to see everyone’s faces again as iv missed them all! Sitting in Tina’s lesson, Lauren volunteered herself to be the model for face casting…. and trying not to make her laugh under a face full of Silicone was the most difficult thing ever hahaha… I’m so excited to be face casting next week for the first time…. Here’s some picture for you because it was pretty funny lol


So as 2016 begins its time to get back into routine again 🙂 4:30am starts are really not appealing to me at the minute but I still have the rest of the week to get my life together lol oh & start this Literature review iv been avoiding wish me luck!


Speak soon 🙂

Hannah xx

Dear Sam….