Dear Sam …

The week of Hair with Sam, Neil Gorton’s Prosthetic event & Trying to get hold of the taxi man!

Monday 14th November

Today in Tina’s class, I went to get my mould out of the locker to find that the white silicone I had poured onto it last week, had only covered 3/4 of my mould 😦 I had the hard decision to actually do the mould properly and add more white silicone to it, or to used the silicone we have in our kits which takes about 20 mins to set instead of 6 hours! I chose to do the 6 hour one as it will last longer in the long run, and I know I wont have problems when it comes to actually creating my prosthetic! So that meant that I had to sit around all lesson as I didn’t bring any other workΒ  as I was supposed to be cracking on with that… Fuming! I Did help Sanita sort her mould out as hers didn’t set as we think she didn’t put enough catalyst in to help the silicone “go off”. We spent about 20 mins trying to scoop it all out and salvage her sculpt underneath.


Tuesday 15th November

Sam told us last week we could come in at 9:30 this week, which meant I had an extra hour in bed, but also meant that we would be stuck in all the morning rush hour that seemed to have appeared…. we had actually forgotten how annoying it was going at 7:30 lol…. Once we got to Burnage I tried to ring the taxi service and it took me 27 attempts to get through to them 😦 how annoying!15095724_10153733140781362_353289017399804879_n

In Sam’s class today, she had set up little stations around the room, involving hair and tasks we had to complete to move onto the next one. We had so much fun!… The first one we had to finish off adding hair to this corset that had already been made. We had to add a piece to it ready for the next group to then add onto that. We came up with making wings to add to the corset :D… the next station was making round shapes with hair, and also making a tree decoration out of hair for our Christmas tree that will be in reception πŸ˜€ We came up with a little snowman, to go along with Sophie’s little reindeer that she had made lol , we also got to learn how to do a basket braid type thing and make jewellery out of hair…. Can I just mention there was a lot of hair hanging around and being glued to everything haha.

Saturday 19th November

Today was the day we got to travel to Birmingham for the Prosthetics Event that Neil Gorton was hosting πŸ˜€ we had the chance to sit in seminars where special effects makeup artists were doing talks and demonstrations, we also got tot see the body art show that was being held and have a look around the stalls who were selling lots of sfx makeup things, so I actually got to see Neil Gorton who is amazing at his work and it was so interesting…. on the not so fun side, it was a very long day, the night before we stayed at Laurens which was funny, but it meant we had to get up at 5:15am just to get to uni on time…. abit like Harry Potter in March aha.

Safe to say I couldn’t wait to get home in the end and crawl into my bed as I was shattered… 10pm I got home 😦

Anyway speak soon

Hannah xx

Dear Sam …

Dear Sam…..

The week I actually photo shopped, the 1940’s became a thing && we started sculpting *Cheeeer*

First of all I had a major hair mare the other day when I put stripper in my hair and then turned it orange!!! yes orange!! I couldn’t leave the house like that!, so I gave my trusty hairdresser a text to see if she could help me & she did the star! and now I have luscious blonde hair and I love it πŸ˜€ 12592327_10153104081036362_3546674068190432795_n

Monday 1st February..

Monday morning I felt really good for a change, normally I’m dying from lack of sleep, but this week I felt really good (I did roll in at 11am) πŸ˜€ because of these 1 to 1 tutorials I don’t have to be until at least 12pm so this week I got a lay in :D…… I decided when I got in that I was going to book my place on the Harry Potter trip which is happening in March πŸ˜› (Excited!!!!) Me & The gang are heading to London by coach to visit Harry Potter World!… Annnyway this week I decided I need to apologise to Carl for avoiding his lessons for the past like 5 weeks and actually explain to him my reasons why lol, Thankfully he was actually serious with me for a change lol.

Vicky’s lesson this week was basically us handing in our advertisement assessments ready to be marked *Head In Hands* with us all frantically getting our lives together this week trying to get these journals finished to be handed in (Only because we had a week to do it). Thankfully mine wasn’t to bad I signed my name away and handed it over with no looking back and no chance to change it lol.Β  First Book of the year to be submitted *Round Of Applause*.

Actually walking into Carl’s lesson today and sitting down in front of the Apple Mac, it was time to crack on with photo shopping this advertisement picture that needed doing and although I’m not happy with the actual image itself for numerous reasons, the picture didn’t turn out to bad (with Carl’s help of course).Β  It was a little stressful with not actually knowing the tools on it & button bashing hoping for the best I was happy with the outcome……. see picture πŸ˜› (Not the finished image)ADVERTISMENT_FINAL


Tuesday 2nd February..

7:30am train and no Leah this morning, just me and Nicole en route,

Sam’s lesson was fully practical and it was us practicing 1940’s hair and makeup on each other ready for our assessment that’s not far away. Me & Nicole were working on each other this week, Nicole did my hair and makeup for a practise and I just practised Nicole’s makeup :P.Β  It was fun getting to colour match our foundations, play around with this cool mineralised powder we got and bringing out the grail of all holy grail’s – the red lipstick of course! Making a statement! aha πŸ˜€ 12645239_10153102790581362_2544837918313206782_n12647497_10153102790591362_4100941860962656433_n12647014_10153526091946859_5254744960073689763_n12687815_10153102790416362_8734154927896602594_n12662454_10153526091761859_4258930193783109474_n


(Rollers & Makeup, Rollers out with wavy hair, of course you have to take a selfie! me and my victory rolls πŸ˜€ & Nicole’s fabulous 1940’s makeup :P)


Tina’s this week was us finally starting to mould with clay onto our casted faces!.Β  we could finally crack on with what we wanted to do, so I set out creating my fawn nose… 4 attempts it took me before I finally was getting happy with the way it was going! its not 100% how I want it and I still need to have a play around with it, but me and Nicole thought it would be wise to stop after 2 hours before we starting pulling all the clay off again or over working it and ruining them, so we packed our things and headed home.

On a lighter note I’m coming to visit next Friday for a few days, I’m excited for what we got planned, its going to be fun for half term! Only one more week to go of uni then it’ll be half term so not long to go!

See You soon

Hannah xx


Dear Sam…..