Dear Sam……

The week we had sad news, the Lost Girls happened & I did my first prosthetic piece


Sadly on Sunday night my poor little cat Cleo sadly passed away after having 14 wonderful years in our family 😀 it was a very sad evening, however full of memories of her from the day we first got her and how she has grown up with us over the years. My gorgeous little tortoise shell.


Monday 25th April

Today was Fairy-tale Assessment day! and they turned out really cool 😀 after dashing around all morning trying to sort ourselves out, it was time to set up & start preparing the model for the final pictures…. Nadia was my fabulous assistant… I had her curling my models hair, covering her in synthetic mud & even wrapping leather straps around my models body. (thanks Nadia!) I also had a wonderful model, who turned up on time, was really nice & got me some great shots 🙂 Although it was a individual assessment, we also had to work as a team and our models had to mesh together to create a final image :D. We decided to re-create the scene in the film Hook, where the Lost Boys hold up signs, to help Peter Pan think happy thoughts to learn to fly 🙂 I even made us some cardboard signs 😛

These are just some behind the scene shots…..


The top one is one of the final images! we got some other really good ones. I’m so proud of our models, assistants and the rest of the group 🙂 thanks girlies!!!

Tuesday 26th March…

Today felt like a really long day, I was so tired from the day before I just felt like poop all day 😦

Sam’s lesson this morning, I had Lauren practicing her Directors character on me, where I think I’m going to be this fairy evil queen or something, but the makeup and hair looked well badass & cool 😛

these photos didn’t do it great justice, but it did look really cool 😀 I’m excited to be her model.

Tina’s class I finally got to press my mould together to create a prosthetic piece and it turned out pretty well for the first one 😀 so I’m exited to see how its going to turn out on the face 😀

The pink one is the piece that I will be wearing which Nicole made & mines the one on the end 🙂 it looks really cool as a final piece!

Its bank holiday next Monday so itll be nice to have a day off to my self 😀

Speak Soon Hannah xx


Dear Sam……

Dear Sam….

4 Weeks left of my first year!, Maleficent happened & Just not enough time in the day!!!!


OMG! 4 weeks left & then its submission week! it feels like not that long ago when me & Nicole went out for not so busy fresher’s week haha…. and forever since me & Nicole first met! It’s nearly been a year! I can’t believe it!

However these 4 weeks are going to be the most hectic of my life! I have 3 assessment’s to complete and prepare for, I’m sure about 3 1,500 word essays somewhere in all that as well, 2 journals to complete, annotations on Pinterest boards & a partridge in a pear tree 😀 I can do this! I can do this…. I cant do this 😦

Monday this week was the only day I went to university…. I finally got around to uploading my SMART targets onto the LIP which is an online learner portal thing lol. It was then onto Vicky’s class and this week where we were models for Molly & Nadia, Lauren had her own model. I was Maleficent, Nicole was Cruella & Laurens model was Ursula  – these are for the fairy-tale assessment’s 🙂 (Mine’s this Monday)

These were the before the shoot photos 🙂 Molly put my hair into little horns at the front and had me in this all black body suit, then we found this black and purple cloak and the look all came together. I loved how she did my eye makeup with the green it was awesome!


Everyone knows me I love messing around! so I’m pretty sure someone’s SD card is going to be full of pictures of me laughing or pulling silly faces 😛


This is one of their final shots and it already looks awesome!

Its mine on Monday morning and were doing the Lost Girls… from Hook/Peter Pan! Im so excited and my model seems to be really nice. I’ve worked really hard on my outfit and journal ready for this. Fingers crossed it turns out the way I have it pictured in my head 😀

The sun has been shinning over my town this week and it has been gorgeous… so before I had to go to work on Friday night we stopped by the beer garden for a quick drink 😀


Why not 😀

These last couple of weeks are going to be manic! with work, still working on the house and trying to complete all this work I hope I can pull myself together lol


Anyway ill catch you soon 😀

Hannah xx

Dear Sam….

Dear Sam… Loosing The Will To Live!

The week of what the hell happened, uni life! & I’m Fed up!

I haven’t written a blog post for uni for about 2-3 weeks now lol… 2 reasons 1. No internet! & 2. We Moved house!….. for some be known reason the mother decided to switch the Wi-Fi over from our old house to our new house 10 days before we actually moved. So I was without internet and access to the outside world for a whole 10 days! Hence no bl0g. While I sit here right this second in my shabby clothes, covered in paint and dust loosing the will to live..with a spare few mins I might add! I thought id sit down and write this post and take you back to 2 weeks ago and what’s been going on!



As far as I can remember over the past few weeks, we sat down with Lindsay and carried on with our smart target.. the second week it was bank holiday Monday so we didn’t have to go in that day aha!

VICKY’S! I remember… it was the week Me, Nicole, Leah, Molly & Lauren all sat in the library and actually got on with work for a change 😀 we all sat around together to make sure everyone was on the right page… and Leah was searching for an outfit for her fairy-tale costume!.


proof she was actually working hahaha. then onto Carl’s lesson and I couldn’t tell you what had happened that week as I’m pretty sure we just stayed in the library until 4 and then went home 😛 Sneaky 😛

Sam’s class for the past 2 weeks was actually fun, the first week we did an acid burn… I did it with SFX cosmetics & products, where Nicole had to re create the same thing but with homemade stuff, like banana’s and gelatine (which failed) 😛 both wounds looked really good, as for pictures, I have what mine looked like but the after math mess of Nicole’s 😦 (Note to self! take pictures!)


Pretty Smelly id say!. The second week was us just starting our ideas for our Directors assessment… I think I’m going to do Pinocchio Tim Burton style 😀 I’m still looking at ideas :D.

Tina’s lessons were basically us doing the moulds that we built the week before and preparing them for the next stage which is creating the prosthetic… however… these 2 weeks we had to do layers upon layers of bald cap plastic again!!!! about 9 coats I did to get it write, we got to leave early as we cant really do much while they are drying 😦

We basically had to pull them apart, clean the face of all clay, then clean out the actual mould (picking out all the pieces) and then layering them up with bald cap plastic!


Then Half Term Began!!!!!

This is where everything went Pete Tong! aha as we finally moved in to this new house, which is so much bigger and has so much space… I’m currently trying to get my room ready so I can move into it and don’t have to share with mum lol….. but its beginning to get on my nerves as it has taken so long so far to get to the place where I’m at and its not even ready yet (sulking!) iv only just put the first layer of paint on, after spending 3 days wall papering, having it plastered, new skirting boards & everything!… plus the most stressful thing is we don’t have carpets yet which is a nightmare! so everything is super duper dusty, you shower and your dusty again after 5 mins (slight exaggeration!) but you catch my drift! Even the cat has gone from being white to grey :D. After almost 4 months off work due to the floods back in December… the day has rolled around to start back at work tomorrow… and although I have enjoyed my time off… it hasn’t been a holiday 😦 I need a break already! this is going to be exhausting trying to study at uni, renovate a house, work and do uni work at home FML!!

To Cheer myself up I bought Zara Martin headphones, which have cat ears and are awesome! I’m in love with them!!!


By the way, If you don’t hear from me for a few days, iv crawled under a rock to sulk! ill be about shortly 😀


Hannah x

Dear Sam… Loosing The Will To Live!

Dear Sam…

The week we met Clare Golds, Wounds with Sam & Silicone Moulds.


Monday 14th March

For a change in Lindsay’s class this week, we got to meet a lovely woman called Clare Golds! She is a well known makeup artist in the industry and has worked on things like Doctor Who and a bunch of other stuff 🙂 we had a hilarious lesson….. First off we had to create a look in 40 mins with a  scenario of having one thing quirky on your model. Example – you had to do a natural look, but add something quirky like a bold colour on the eye/lip or maybe blue blusher, something crazy and wacky. Me, Nicole & Lauren were in a three, first off we worked on Lauren and gave her Blue & Purple wacky eyebrows. It was down to the last minute and we had realised we hadn’t done anything with her hair!!! we literally had 1 minute to tie her hair in these weird looking buns on the top of her head! safe to say we didn’t win that round as they were wonky and it just looked a mess hahaha.



The next scenario, was to recreate something from some century which I cant remember, with a natural makeup look, but we had to re-create these hairstyles that were horrible 😀 I decided to choose one that was a little challenging to try on Nicole’s super long hair! Nightmare! Her hair is so thick and long!


Clare said she liked the hairstyle aha! We had a good laugh with her and it was nice to get an in site into the industry a little.

We got to leave Lindsay’s lesson an hour early for lunch, so we had a whole 2 hours! Lisa came up with the fab idea about us all going to the pub as we hadn’t been out as a full group since we started in September! So Ashleigh, Lisa, Katie, Nadia, Me, Sophie, Nicole, Lindsay (Liverpool Lindsay), Lauren, Sanita, Jess & Molly Headed to the Woodstock for a well deserved lunch!


Pub Lunch!


Love our little uni family, we all get on so well!

Vicky’s and Carl’s were pretty much the same this week, Vicky’s we just caught up on some of our work for our fairy tale assessment, and carl’s was just photo shop & any other crap I decide I want to do hahaha 🙂  I Got photo shop for free on my laptop which I got excited about because I can do all my work from home at my own pace haha.


Tuesday 15th March

Sam’s this week was catching up on this Directors assessment that’s coming around soon, we sat down and sorted out all our dates and times and ideas that we had, we had to fill out paper work so Sam knew where we were at. After all that we got to sit down and do a little task where we have to choose a casualty makeup, one of us has to create it with sfx products, the other has to create the wound with home made products and then present it to each other next week, which will be fun and interesting to know what home made products we can use to create stuff!

Our moulds are finally taking shape for Tina!



This is what my mould looked like when I came back to it, all the clay had dried and cracked, and the first layer is dry. Next we have to mix up A & B again from last week and then add in this next thing called Thixotropic… which we call tropical juice haha (we know what were taking about 😛 ). This stuff you literally pile all over your mould and then leave again for another 6 hours to go completely solid, ready to be pulled apart next week and cleaned out! this is getting exciting to see what there going look like when there done!


Anyway I’m off to sort my life out haha I have so much work to do this week!


Speak soon

Hannah xo

Dear Sam…