Dear Sam! ….

The week of Comicon! & me being a prostitute for the whole of 2 hours ( not literally)

Saturday 21st November…

So after waiting 8 weeks since buying the tickets to go to Comicon in Birmingham, the day had finally arrived! waking up at 5:30am and heading off to Nicole‘s house to meet everyone, it was time to jump in the car and head to the show!. It’s amazing how much dedication people went to dress up as all the characters, such as captain Jack Sparrow, there was loads of  Captain America’s, Anime characters and Storm Troopers lol the list is endless. Anyway we were wandering up and down all the isles looking at all the stalls and stuff that was going on! turns out it was pretty much same sh*t different stall hahaha, by and hour and a half we had pretty much done the whole thing and we kinda got a little bored. Non of the “celebrities” were actually people we knew… I’m sure for a hardcore fan it would have been the best thing ever, but for us 4 it ended up to be pretty pants, we grabbed a subway and headed home 🙂 in the plus side we got to meet the Stig!!


oh did I mention I fell asleep in the car on the way home shattered (standard for me) however as per usual Lauren thought it would be a fabulous idea to take pictures of me AGAIN! & Violate them! with little drawings. When I woke up and saw them I thought it was hysterical 😀


That’s Snapchat for ya!

Monday 23rd November…

Back into Lindsey’s lesson it was bright eyes and bushy tails for us all! and to be honest this week I was actually not sleepy for a change! (which isn’t like me). So we started off with this quiz game again (because we love it that much & we get a chocolate if we win!) this week we weren’t in teams it was every man for themselves and we got to choose our own names again lol…. mine this week was (drum roll please!……) BROWSGONEWILD! aha, I started off the trend from using your actual name to typing random funny ones and then we had to guess who was who lol… I came 6th this week because it was to early to be thinking about the questions lol, Lindsey’s was fun this week as we got to make towers out of card, I cant remember the reason behind it, but we had to make them on their own and then we got to use blue tack… it became a competition on who could make it first…. and of course my little team won!! so we got chocolate! NomNom!!!!

Next it was onto Vicky’s lesson and we had the chance to practice our assessment makeup,  I chose to do some work for my journal and just watch the other girls 🙂 and I didn’t fall asleep this time either 🙂 pretty good going for me hahaha, I got to watch Nicole practice on Nadia again though and watch Nadia get transformed into a pretty princess 😛

this week for Carl’s lesson we only had to do an assessment where we set up the studio and then take it all down again lol, took me the whole of 15 mins which then meant we could go home early 😛  Carl is becoming a legend at the minute by letting us go early 😛

Tuesday 24th November…..

It was beards for Sam this week…. well kind of, we had the choice of applying a crepe beard or doing some work on Pinterest as part of our work for her, and of course we chose to do the laptop stuff instead of getting a really sticky hairy face 😀 😀 but Nadia on the other hand had a beard applied by Lauren and she got the hysterics after because when she tried to remove it she got cotton wool stuck to her face because it was so sticky 😛

they were going for some kind of Chinese / long looking beard thing, but it was so funny hahaha I did have some videos but I cant figure out how to get them on here lol

Unfortunately Leah didn’t get on the train this morning as she slept through her alarm haha (she was on a roll!) she said she would be Kim’s model for Kim’s assessment, so when Kim mentioned it, I was like oh ill be your model 😀 little did I know what I was letting myself in for! turns out her scenario was a prostitute that had been knifed in the ribs, so I had to put a skimpy outfit on and pretend I had been stabbed & not to mention it was so cold at uni so I spend the time shivering to death lol! Thanks Leah! hahaha  I don’t have the pictures from the assessment as it was my assessment so I’m lucky to get away with it lol…. the final piece looked great when she had finally finished, plus we had a really good laugh over it hahaha.

speak again soon 😛

Hannah xx

Dear Sam! ….

Dear Sam!….


The week where Carl’s lesson was cancelled & applying Crepe beards!

Another week done and dusted! only 5 weeks or so until Christmas 😀

Monday mornings are always the worst! shivering, waiting for the train is the worst thing ever when you think to yourself that many people in England are all snuggled up keeping warm sleeping!.

This week both ways there and back on both days we actually got a seat on the train!!!! I know right miracle! Monday morning I got on the train and made sure I sat somewhere we could all get a seat, I have managed to suss out that if I sit on the far back on the train not many people get on there so we are more likely to get a seat. Meeting Nicole & Leah at the next stop it was time to catch up on what we had been up to that week and have a good old chin wag and whinge how much we cant be  arsed with the day! oh  and not to mention how hungry we are and what we want for breakfast 😀

Arriving into Lindsay’s lesson, we were doing the quiz again that we did last week, we came up with the fab name of the “Secret Assassins” but then unfortunately the game didn’t like it (Kinda Understandable), so it changed it to something stupid, which I cant remember! thankfully the game wouldn’t load so we got to choose a name again and we came up with “TheMonkeyMafia” 😀 although again we didn’t win we did come second this time which is better!. Me & Nadia keep snap-chatting each other during lesson of us pulling weird faces of each other or trying to catch the other one out when there not looking lol, the photos turn out hilarious! Nadia decided to try and draw me on her cup that she had with tea in and gave it to me as a present lol (See Picture :D).

On our lunch, Me, Nicole, Lauren & Kathryn were stood outside chatting and along came Lindsey… we thought she was coming over to tell us off about something, but she delivered some exciting news for the day 😀 that Carl’s lesson had been postponed until next week so we got to go home at 3!!!!!!! yes home early on a Monday!!!! woop woop!!

However we had to go to Vicky’s lesson first before 3 oclock rolled around!

Vicky’s lesson was a random one this week, as some of us got to go down to the library and do some work for our journals, as the others got to practice their work for their assessment coming up in a few weeks. I was going to practice on Kathryn but she had to go to a meeting, so I was waiting for Lauren to finish what she was doing so I could practice….. That kind of didn’t happen, as I curled up on the chair to watch  Nicole practice on Nadia I kind of maybe a little fell asleep….. which leads me on to the new craze that I have started, where I fall asleep and the girls in the room  who catch me start taking photos, so be prepared to start seeing the images of me catching flies with my mouth open asleep!!! Here we goo……

This has become a reoccurring thing lol, I would like to add that I do actually do work, just sometimes I need to “rest my eyes” to function 😛

So on the journey home (WITH SEATS!!!) I fell asleep again ahahahahaha , I cant help it when iv been up since 4:30am so give me a break!


Mouth open and everything catching those flies!!! Thanks Nicole!

Tuesday morning doing the usual run through Manchester Piccadilly we had to grab lunch before the connecting train 😀 as this has become a regular thing me and Nicole have become pro’s! however Leah bless her heart makes me laugh with her little legs running trying to catch us up haha, with the wrong shoes on! lol

Into Sam’s class it was 😀 this week we were all practicing Ageing again, on each other, this week I was working on Nadia, mid way through making her up, I may have accidently spilt liquid latex on her favourite black jeans (dum dum duuuuuuum) not good when it doesn’t come out!

as I had done ageing the week before, I was helping Lisa how to do it as she hadn’t done it before, I liked Nadia’s eyebrows so I took a picture hehe.


this is Laurens work on her model, this happens when you apply layers of latex and powder and then let go of the skin, which then creates wrinkles, hers looked so good I had to take a picture 😀

The second part of Sam’s lesson was applying crepe beards! so this is tiny layers of hair that you apply with spirit gum (glue) to create a beard… she was doing a demo with Sophie being the glamorous model having a beard applied!  you apply it really long and then trim to the specific length that you would like! Hopefully next week we get to try it out and see how we all look with beards.

Soooo again the craze is still on going, while Sam was doing her demo… me and Leah may have had a snooze (ahaha we cant help this)


Theeeee most unflattering picture of me sleeping! lol and Leah looks ill (This isn’t the end of this yet aha)

Tina’s lesson this week was pretty similar to Vicky’s, abit random, with us all trying to get our pieces ready for assessments, people practicing their wounds and others dashing off to the library, this week I did another wound out of my silicone mould and I also pre painted my other two moulds to go into my journal as they didn’t turn out perfect. One was two thing and had a tear in it and the other the bald cap plastic was to thick and would take forever to melt away the edges, so I’m hoping my third one turns out perfect!!! 😀 I can only hope!


SHOCK HORROR!!!!! Hannah fell asleep AGAIN on the train home, although this time I caught Nicole taking the photo as she stupidly had her flash on Mwahhahaha! so this one I had my eye open on!


I can guarantee that next week ill have more photos of me sleeping again! haha

Speak again soon

Hannah xx

Dear Sam!….

Dear Sam… The week of Vape photography and ageing!

So winter is pretty much here, with the weather blowing gale force winds that could blow anyone over, it was time to wrap up in my massive woolly scarf and gloves for my 6:30am train to uni (standard!)

Lindsey’s lesson was hilarious, me and Leah decided to buy these drinks from the local “mini Supermarket” before uni and they were fruit flavoured drinks which had basil seeds in them, which we thought looked like frog spawn lol, anyway in Lyndsey’s lesson we were playing this game where we all had to answer questions. We got to team up in pairs and even write our own team names… mine & Nicole’s was “The Spawn Of Frogs” as soon as it came up on the board, everyone was howling with laughter!


These are the frog spawn drinks! Turns out they weren’t as nice as they looked lol



This became thee joke for pretty much the whole lesson, turns out we didn’t win the quiz which sucked! but we did have the best team name!

So advertisement’s is Vicky’s assessment for this part of the year, we had a demo during her lesson, and at some point during the 2 days that I attend uni I can guarantee I fall asleep at least once (unfortunately it was this lesson lol), and this time it was full on mouth wide open not having a clue where I was, sucking in the flies!, I do remember most of the demo though which is a good thing 😛

&&&&&&& the banging headache kicked in at this point. I wear glasses when I’m reading or I’m tired otherwise my sight gets blurry, plus the lights at university are so bright, so blurry vision and a headache resulted in me wearing my actual glasses and my sunglasses! Yes both together! because I could! unfortunately for Carl he got the wrath of the headache and I wasn’t in the best of moods! bless him he tried to make me laugh to cheer me up, once I had my sulk for about half an hour, I thought it was best to join in and take more photos of each other with the cameras. This time though we wanted to change things up a bit and decided to use my e-cig for smoke effects on the camera and the photos eventually turned out really cool! it took us a while to get the right lighting and camera angles, but they turned out pretty awesome!

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& of Course the uni camera would pick up the bags under my eyes and messy hair ahah, well these are the pictures we ended up with 😛

This week it dawned on me that when this is all over I am definitely not going to miss these train journeys! they are the worst thing ever! and so stressful! I just want to get home and crawl into bed after a very long day.


Brew in hand! Toast eaten! it was time for the week of ageing! after Sam’s demo last week it was our turn to test out on each other what we had learnt. It involved, Latex, Crème makeup, a white wig and KY jelly! Yes I said KY jelly! (lube in other terms) and before you ask! its not for those reasons, you actually use it in between the layers of latex and powder to create the wrinkles on the eyes as it isn’t oil based and helps the next layer of latex stick! see we do use weird things for other uses 😛 anyway as per Nicole was my model, but this time she had two people working on her at once, Me & Kathryn lol we were having a right giggle sticking Nicole’s eyelashes together haha and going a bit crazy with the grey eyebrows and eyelashes 😛 here are the final pictures :

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Doesn’t Nicole look so glamorous

Our moulds for Tina’s lesson turned out really cool, after applying layers and layers and layers and layers and…. you catch my drift, it was time to apply a small amount of silicone on the wound again, let it dry and then peel it off to create the positive wound prosthetic piece for assessment in about 2 weeks. Me being the impatient one that I am should have taken a little teeny bit more care removing the layers off as I ended up with a whopping hole in the middle and had to re create it again! however Tina said I could probably save it next week when we have a test of them!

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this is the final piece so far… I have created another one but I wont see how that turned out until next week!

So it turns out after last week, and me having this white mask on my head, Nicole had an obsession with taking photos of me in it, or me doing random things, this seems to be a re occurring thing lol, this didn’t dawn on me until I literally just read her blog before starting to type this up hahaha I GOT MY EYE ON YOU NICOLE! don’t think I’m going to let you get away with misses!

blog 3 blog 4  blog2blog

Dear Sam… The week of Vape photography and ageing!

Dear Sam…

The week where everything changed…

Monday 1st November:

Strolling in to college up to first lesson, we were told we needed to go up to the 5th floor for a meeting (which apparently we got an email about… goes to show non of us read our emails :P) sitting in the restraunt waiting to find out what was going on, we were all having our usual catch up about Halloween and what everyone dressed up as….. me being boring this year didn’t go out and I decided to sit in and watch Scooby Doo 1 & 2 aha because I could :P. Anyway, the simplified version to the story was that we are now doing a HND course this first year and the Foundation Degree next year! Safe to say the majority of us were not impressed! with no questions answered and us all really confused we went on to Lindsay’s lesson, which today was being run by Anna-May with two classes squished into one catching up on referencing and bits like that.

Next up was Vicky’s lesson and this is where we got our first assignment for the year on ADVERTISMENT!!! we get to create our own advertisement pictures and can come up with any ideas we like…. my brain was going crazy with ideas :D, unfortunately for Vicky we bombarded her with loads of questions about the whole HND thing and even I thought she was getting a bit flustered with all the questions we were asking bless!

Carls Lesson…. Oh Carl Oh Carl Oh Carl! Our favourite Lesson of the day NOT! sometimes Carl’s lesson can be really fun when we get all the equipment out and get to have a mess around, but this time we just sat for 2 and a half hours listening to stuff he had to say, I swear sometimes he loves to wind us up lol…. with the girls tutting out of frustration (which I find hilarious) we were just eager to get home as it had been a long day. I think at the minute we cant do much with Carl’s lesson until all our assessment’s start when we can start taking pictures of our work and playing about with Photoshop.

Monday I didn’t take any pictures as there wasn’t much to take pictures of….

Tuesday 2nd November :

On a Tuesday morning I love winding Nicole up when she gets in a little stress about being late as she HATES! it hahaha… so I’m like Nicole, we need to go to Waitrose and get food and grab a coffee and dordel 😛 I’m so mean but I love her :P, so dashing through Piccadilly with our big cases legging it to grab food and catch the connecting train always cracks me up hahaha.

Sam’s lesson this week was a demo on ageing, and how depending on your life style or your family can determine how you age, so if your a heavy smoker or drinker, you’ll age differently to someone who isn’t, or if your parents have wrinkles in a certain  area or a Turkey neck (as I kept saying) then you will pretty much end up with the same thing lol. so she showed us a demo on our hair teacher Steve! it was pretty funny watching him sit there. To be truthfully honest, I didn’t feel so good in Sam’s lesson and was pacing around while she was doing the demo. I’m sure at one point when I finally sat down I had to “rest my eyelids” as I like to say (sleeping basically). It was a good lesson and cool to find out ways you can use Latex to create wrinkles…..

Tina’s Lesson up next and we got to see how our negative moulds turned out, we got to take off the wet clay we applied the week before last and take out our silicone moulds. They turned out pretty well, we then got to apply layers and layers of bald cap plastic which creates the prosthetic piece eventually. Getting high off the fumes (as it smells so bad) we were having a laugh and me and Nadia were doing our usual singing old classic songs to keep us occupied. On a bonus we got to go home an hour early because we had finished before everyone else 🙂 and we were shattered.

Here are the pictures of Tina’s lesson creating the layers of bald cap plastic







12208829_10152960978616362_9003165958521759641_n                                            Nadia & Nicole Looking Glam In Those Pinny’s!

Dear Sam…