Dear Sam….

The week I came to visit, Halloween happened & the first assessment of the year!

Over half term I came to visit you in London & had a fab time! We went to Camden, Stratford & also China town 🙂 it was nice to have some time away and a break from everything 🙂

Saturday 29th October

Halloween weekend has begun and boy have a got a few makeups to do for it! The first being a friend called Charlotte who I know from work, she wanted the half skull face which looked awesome once I had finished. Next up was Ben & his friends who all wanted different looks for an event going on in town, they all looked fab aswell. After I had finished up there it was on to a local nightclub to do makeup for all the staff ready for a Halloween event. They basically got to be whatever they wanted.

Monday 31st October

Today university was shut, not sure why but that meant we didn’t need to go in, I spent the day sorting some uni work out and getting my kit all cleaned up ready for the evening. I was back at the nightclub that I was at Saturday night ready for the Purge themed party they were having. This time I took mum along for the added help. Although it was purge night, it was really hard to create that “purge mask” look and we attempted it about 4 times but it just wasn’t happening! They all ended up with the white faces and crosses on their foreheads. (I am determined to get that look right!) Me and mum are going to have a practice of it at home on ourselves to get it right!

Tuesday 1st November

November has begun which means not long until Christmas now 😀 I was super duper tired this morning as I didn’t finish until late last night. It was so cold at 6am aswell! Today in Sam’s class was our first assessment of the year! The one that we had been building up to with these moustaches. My model arrived and I sat him down ready to begin! I was a little un organised and had a few hiccups along the way. However it all came together in the end 🙂 The final look turned out great and now I’m ready to photoshop them and have them ready for submission date in January 😀

Anna-May this week had something she had to go do, so we didn’t have to go to her lesson this week 😀 which meant I got to go home early which was great for me as I felt like death 😀

Roll on home time!

Speak Soon

Hannah xx


Dear Sam….

Dear Sam…

The week the sculpting begun!, hair fruit & the face paints are out in force!


over the weekend I decided to have ago at creating a few things for myself, and practice using polymorph plastic to create teeth!, I decided to come up with this eye piece with loads of teeth all over it. Ones iv created and resin teeth that I bought online. and this is what I came up with….14666112_10153640561121362_3312111133629706033_n

I created the piece first on my own face cast, added in the teeth and then pre painted it before applying it to my face :D, I also decided to play around with my facepaints again and have another go at doing a neon zombie! I love these things!



Monday 17th October

Today in Tina’s class, it was about time I started on that bloody mould! actually putting clay to face cast lol….so it begun, im going for an alien/intergalactic type creature thing… just winging it basically! what I do best! 😀 and here it is…


still not 100% finished but I’m getting there, after half term its time to finish it off and get it moulded ready for application and assessments. Also this week I had to finish of the bald cap I was doing with silicone to make it thicker, so hopefully my plan will work, however to this date (Friday) its doing my head in as its not working how I want it to 😦 Leave it with me I’m on it!


again no Garry this week, which were not complaining about as that means we get to finish at 2:30 😀


Tuesday 18th October

No Leah today as she had Bieber fever hahaha (She went to see him Monday night aha)

Today I finally finished my moustache! its ready for cutting and styling into the style I want 😀 I’m so happy to be done knotting each individual hair! Phew, the second photo is Nicole’s beard which is almost finished lol, she was trying it out on my face lol.

Also in todays lesson we had an hour, in groups to come up with a hair creation using extra hair and to be as extravagant as we could! so Me, Hannah C, Nicole & Lauren had the idea for the pineapple pen/Apple pen song which is on the internet at the minute, however I said maybe we should do a fruit bowl instead, with all the colours laying around. We made a Pineapple, Orange, Banana & Apple. Me and Hannah C were on Fruit duty, while Lauren had to prep Nicole’s hair & Nicole was on the duty of creating the bowl for all the fruit to sit in, we had so much fun and ours turned out great (Plus we didn’t cheat :P)

Between Sam & Anna May we had a break and found this leaf outside that me and Lauren were obsessed with because it had big water droplets on it from when it had been raining 🙂


Anna Mays class this week was playing a pub quiz without the alcohol 😛 and the questions were based on the guest lecturer we had the week before, we also had a few task sheets to do and then it was time for home 🙂

I’m Coming down to see you this weekend as its half term next week & I’m looking forward to having a break away

See You Soon!

Hannah xx




Dear Sam…

Dear Sam…

The week we did the catwalk for French Connection, Balcaps & Sculpting and Airbrushing!

Saturday 8th October,


L-R, Nicole, Sheryl, Me 😀 Charlotte & Claire (Not Sure of the lovely ladies name on the end)

So Me, Nicole & a few of the girls from the third year at university, turned up to Evoque Nightclub in Preston all kitted up ready to start applying makeup to models ready for the catwalk in connection with Pure Management Preston! The catwalk was for charity and we had French Connection walking, Pandorella, A Jewellery line & 2 other brand walking. We arrived on time, set up and then got given our orders and the list of models we would be doing for the show. I had 2 girls and 2 children to apply makeup to, however when it all started I ended up with my 2 models, 6 children and a male model that I applied make up to. It was so much fun! Nicole didn’t want to do her male model so I stepped in for her and sat him down in my chair lol. we then had to touch ups throughout the show and then had the chance to sit down and watch 😀 We had so many photos and videos!


The Models, Photographers & us makeup artists were all amazing and the day turned out to be great, had such a blast 🙂

Monday 10th October.

I have come to the conclusion I hate Monday mornings with a passion, I end up feeling like death all day and cant concentrate at all, which leads me onto trying to sculpt my prosthetic onto Laurens face cast, I must have tried about 5 times applying the clay and then ripping it off! I begged Tina to let me take it home so I can sit down and concentrate properly to crack on with it (She let me thankfully :D) so that’s my next job to do… Her lesson I spent applying layer of bald cap plastic onto one of the red head so next week I can apply the silicone on top of it so I can make my headpiece which I’m keeping a secret until its ready :P. We also had a bloke in today to help us with our airbrushes and give us a few tips on them and showing us how to take them apart and put them back together properly 😛


No Garry this week lol, he just said we could go home so by 2:30 it was time to head home 😀

Tuesday 11th October.

I don’t know what was wrong with me but for the life of me I was so tired, I slept on the train, in Sams class and on the train home, I felt like crap all day. Sam’s class this week was finishing the knotting basically as it was the last week we could do it, I’m nearly there! just a few more hairs to add and then I can cut it and style it ready for our assessment! I spent most of the lesson doing it until the last half an hour, where I tried to get away with having a nap on the chair in the corner, Sam caught me and had a few stern words lol.


This was me between lessons laying on the floor with Nadia telling me I wasn’t aloud to fall back to sleep lol!

Anna- May’s class we had a guest lecturer in named Laura Tallentire, she was an ex student and came in to have a chat about the industry and how to get into things ect.. we even got to play around with some scar wax creating wounds with blood and stuff to have a mess around. It was actually really interesting 😀

by the end of the lesson I was ready for bed and on that note it was time to head home!

I arrived home to my parcel I ordered from MyKitCo 🙂 my new brush bag which im obsessed with!


😀 😀 😀

Anyway ill be over to visit next week 🙂 plus i have some Halloween makeup looks to do this week… so keep and eye out 😛

Speak Soon

Hannah xx

Dear Sam…

Dear Sam…

The week we skived the Monday :P, More Moustaching & work experience

Monday 3rd September

So Monday we decided to not going in! Reason 1 some of us didn’t have much to *Cough Cough* Nicole 😛 Leah had something she had to go do and I decided I was going to stay at home and make this head piece for my character which involved me just doing paper Mache for about 2 hours just making the base of it lol… So yeah that was Monday

Tuesday 4th September


It was bloody freeeeezing! feeling cold and tired we hopped on the train for another long day at university…. Rolling into Sam’s class it was time to carry on with these Moustaches! (which I’m almost done I might add) we got to sit for a few hours and crack on with that, then this week we were also learning up do’s… I have come to the conclusion that I absolutely hate hair! putting it up, curling it, making it look pretty I hate! So I sat and did one hairstyle that looked like octopus tentacles and then gave up and thought id sit for a few hours and get on knotting again.

Then it was on to Anna Mays class and this week we were talking about our work experience and things we can get involved in.. Me & Nicole have a catwalk to do this Saturday which ill write about next week, and also some other things we can get involved in like spooky tours, or this big even in Manchester.

By about half 4 I was getting a little stress as I was tired and decided to just get in a taxi and head home on my own, while the girls did their tutorials…. sat at the train station on my own, cold! I heard a clip clopping up the platform, I looked around and it was Nicole & Leah lol… well I looked silly *Hands On Face*… I tell you what though, getting on the train we were packed like sardines, sharing 2 seats between 3 of us lol…. I had Nicole sat on my lap at one point…. Iv not missed that atall!….

Iv done no makeup looks this week yet, as I’m prepping my Pinterest board for some ideas I can do for Halloween, instead of pretty ones with my face paint lol… going to see what I can come up with today

Anyway speak soon

Hannah xx

Dear Sam…

Dear Sam….

The week that Monday was a stressful one, Moustaches again! & Student lock in 🙂


Monday 26th September

Tina’s this week was pulling out our face casts from last week & filing them down to make them smooth ready for sculpting next week 🙂 Lauren’s face turned out great 😛 I spent 2 hours, sanding it, filing and smoothing making sure it was perfect ready to start creating my creation on Monday next week 🙂


I did have the chance to start this week, however I wasn’t in the best mind set to start it off, so I decided to wait and draw up some designs before I start. Last year I remember I just winged it and that’s not always the best thing to do 🙂

Oh & I got electrocuted this week by the bloody plug socket, taking the drill out of the wall, it shocked me 😦 it really hurt… so that was my Monday morning lol!

Garry’s class this week lasted the whole of 10 mins, while he asked if we had any problems & then decided we didn’t need to stay BONUS!.

On the way home, we hopped onto the train, tired and knackered… it got stuck at Wigan 😦 we literally had to jump from one train to the other with like 5 min.. unfortunately for Nicole she was asleep lol.. bless her she had to literally run half asleep with me and Leah shouting at her to move her arse hahaha.

Tuesday 27th September

Sam’s Class today was learning plaiting techniques & carrying on with these moustaches! I’m so proud of myself on how far I got with mine, considering last week it took me 2 hours to do about 6 hairs 🙂


I know this doesn’t look like loads, but there was more hairs by the time the lesson had finished! the orange bit in the picture, is where all the hairs have to be 🙂 I have about 4-5 weeks to get it all done, hair by hair 🙂

We didn’t have Anna-May this week as some of the girls went off to be in the audience of Countdown…. We chose to not go because A. The normal Countdown is boring (If it was 8 out of 10 cats I would have gone) & B. it would have meant that we got home late! Plus student lock in was on this week.


Which leads me on to heading to a really cute dessert house called Carmello which did loads of cakes & Macaroons 🙂 I had a passion fruit one, Pistachio and a Vanilla & Strawberry one, they were so yummy :D…

after that we headed to Lauren’s flat for an hour and chilled out until It was time to head into Manchester City Centre for the huge student shopping night…. we went everywhere! I got a new pair of jeans and this really cute jacket… I was exhausted by the time I got home….

This Weeks Makeup look I went for was this really cool clown, I wanted to play about with some of my new face paints that I got, and wanted to see what I came up with 🙂 also had to add in the Snapchat filter of course 😛


Anyway hope you’ve had a good week,

Speak soon

Hannah xx

Dear Sam….

Dear Sam…

The week where everything changed…

Monday 1st November:

Strolling in to college up to first lesson, we were told we needed to go up to the 5th floor for a meeting (which apparently we got an email about… goes to show non of us read our emails :P) sitting in the restraunt waiting to find out what was going on, we were all having our usual catch up about Halloween and what everyone dressed up as….. me being boring this year didn’t go out and I decided to sit in and watch Scooby Doo 1 & 2 aha because I could :P. Anyway, the simplified version to the story was that we are now doing a HND course this first year and the Foundation Degree next year! Safe to say the majority of us were not impressed! with no questions answered and us all really confused we went on to Lindsay’s lesson, which today was being run by Anna-May with two classes squished into one catching up on referencing and bits like that.

Next up was Vicky’s lesson and this is where we got our first assignment for the year on ADVERTISMENT!!! we get to create our own advertisement pictures and can come up with any ideas we like…. my brain was going crazy with ideas :D, unfortunately for Vicky we bombarded her with loads of questions about the whole HND thing and even I thought she was getting a bit flustered with all the questions we were asking bless!

Carls Lesson…. Oh Carl Oh Carl Oh Carl! Our favourite Lesson of the day NOT! sometimes Carl’s lesson can be really fun when we get all the equipment out and get to have a mess around, but this time we just sat for 2 and a half hours listening to stuff he had to say, I swear sometimes he loves to wind us up lol…. with the girls tutting out of frustration (which I find hilarious) we were just eager to get home as it had been a long day. I think at the minute we cant do much with Carl’s lesson until all our assessment’s start when we can start taking pictures of our work and playing about with Photoshop.

Monday I didn’t take any pictures as there wasn’t much to take pictures of….

Tuesday 2nd November :

On a Tuesday morning I love winding Nicole up when she gets in a little stress about being late as she HATES! it hahaha… so I’m like Nicole, we need to go to Waitrose and get food and grab a coffee and dordel 😛 I’m so mean but I love her :P, so dashing through Piccadilly with our big cases legging it to grab food and catch the connecting train always cracks me up hahaha.

Sam’s lesson this week was a demo on ageing, and how depending on your life style or your family can determine how you age, so if your a heavy smoker or drinker, you’ll age differently to someone who isn’t, or if your parents have wrinkles in a certain  area or a Turkey neck (as I kept saying) then you will pretty much end up with the same thing lol. so she showed us a demo on our hair teacher Steve! it was pretty funny watching him sit there. To be truthfully honest, I didn’t feel so good in Sam’s lesson and was pacing around while she was doing the demo. I’m sure at one point when I finally sat down I had to “rest my eyelids” as I like to say (sleeping basically). It was a good lesson and cool to find out ways you can use Latex to create wrinkles…..

Tina’s Lesson up next and we got to see how our negative moulds turned out, we got to take off the wet clay we applied the week before last and take out our silicone moulds. They turned out pretty well, we then got to apply layers and layers of bald cap plastic which creates the prosthetic piece eventually. Getting high off the fumes (as it smells so bad) we were having a laugh and me and Nadia were doing our usual singing old classic songs to keep us occupied. On a bonus we got to go home an hour early because we had finished before everyone else 🙂 and we were shattered.

Here are the pictures of Tina’s lesson creating the layers of bald cap plastic







12208829_10152960978616362_9003165958521759641_n                                            Nadia & Nicole Looking Glam In Those Pinny’s!

Dear Sam…