Dear Sam…

The week we skived the Monday :P, More Moustaching & work experience

Monday 3rd September

So Monday we decided to not going in! Reason 1 some of us didn’t have much to *Cough Cough* Nicole 😛 Leah had something she had to go do and I decided I was going to stay at home and make this head piece for my character which involved me just doing paper Mache for about 2 hours just making the base of it lol… So yeah that was Monday

Tuesday 4th September


It was bloody freeeeezing! feeling cold and tired we hopped on the train for another long day at university…. Rolling into Sam’s class it was time to carry on with these Moustaches! (which I’m almost done I might add) we got to sit for a few hours and crack on with that, then this week we were also learning up do’s… I have come to the conclusion that I absolutely hate hair! putting it up, curling it, making it look pretty I hate! So I sat and did one hairstyle that looked like octopus tentacles and then gave up and thought id sit for a few hours and get on knotting again.

Then it was on to Anna Mays class and this week we were talking about our work experience and things we can get involved in.. Me & Nicole have a catwalk to do this Saturday which ill write about next week, and also some other things we can get involved in like spooky tours, or this big even in Manchester.

By about half 4 I was getting a little stress as I was tired and decided to just get in a taxi and head home on my own, while the girls did their tutorials…. sat at the train station on my own, cold! I heard a clip clopping up the platform, I looked around and it was Nicole & Leah lol… well I looked silly *Hands On Face*… I tell you what though, getting on the train we were packed like sardines, sharing 2 seats between 3 of us lol…. I had Nicole sat on my lap at one point…. Iv not missed that atall!….

Iv done no makeup looks this week yet, as I’m prepping my Pinterest board for some ideas I can do for Halloween, instead of pretty ones with my face paint lol… going to see what I can come up with today

Anyway speak soon

Hannah xx

Dear Sam…

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