Dear Sam….

The week I came to visit, Halloween happened & the first assessment of the year!

Over half term I came to visit you in London & had a fab time! We went to Camden, Stratford & also China town ๐Ÿ™‚ it was nice to have some time away and a break from everything ๐Ÿ™‚

Saturday 29th October

Halloween weekend has begun and boy have a got a few makeups to do for it! The first being a friend called Charlotte who I know from work, she wanted the half skull face which looked awesome once I had finished. Next up was Ben & his friends who all wanted different looks for an event going on in town, they all looked fab aswell. After I had finished up there it was on to a local nightclub to do makeup for all the staff ready for a Halloween event. They basically got to be whatever they wanted.

Monday 31st October

Today university was shut, not sure why but that meant we didn’t need to go in, I spent the day sorting some uni work out and getting my kit all cleaned up ready for the evening. I was back at the nightclub that I was at Saturday night ready for the Purge themed party they were having. This time I took mum along for the added help. Although it was purge night, it was really hard to create that “purge mask” look and we attempted it about 4 times but it just wasn’t happening! They all ended up with the white faces and crosses on their foreheads. (I am determined to get that look right!) Me and mum are going to have a practice of it at home on ourselves to get it right!

Tuesday 1st November

November has begun which means not long until Christmas now ๐Ÿ˜€ I was super duper tired this morning as I didn’t finish until late last night. It was so cold at 6am aswell! Today in Sam’s class was our first assessment of the year! The one that we had been building up to with these moustaches. My model arrived and I sat him down ready to begin! I was a little un organised and had a few hiccups along the way. However it all came together in the end ๐Ÿ™‚ The final look turned out great and now I’m ready to photoshop them and have them ready for submission date in January ๐Ÿ˜€

Anna-May this week had something she had to go do, so we didn’t have to go to her lesson this week ๐Ÿ˜€ which meant I got to go home early which was great for me as I felt like death ๐Ÿ˜€

Roll on home time!

Speak Soon

Hannah xx


Dear Sam….

Dear Sam…..

The week you came home & the last week of uni for 2015:)

So you came home on Saturday ๐Ÿ™‚ and filled me in on all that had been going on at circus school, and had so many videos to show me ๐Ÿ˜›

Monday 14th December

Dragging myself out of bed at 4:30am after having last week off seemed like the hardest thing in the entire universe! All I kept thinking to myself is just get these 2 days over with and then I have 3 weeks off for Christmas ๐Ÿ™‚

First of all Lauren brought in the best chocolate brownies I have ever tasted for us all to share in Lindsay’s lesson…. Lindsay gave us the choice today to either play games or carry on with the work we had been doing over the past couple of week… I raised my hand for the games, but everyone else wanted to do literature reviews lol…. for me basically when something’s stressing me out or I feel I cant do it, I avoid it… which I have been doing for about 3 weeks now so for the first 2 hours of Lindsay’s lesson I spent messing around with Leah and finding out what the meaning to “sticky keys” is hahaha something I brought up during aย convo about writing essays. Anyway I eventually decided I needed to do something so I finally got my head around this literature review and I think I know where I’m going with it, so in this 3 weeks I need to sit down and start typing……. unless I get distracted lol ๐Ÿ˜›


Onto Vicky’s lesson…. seeing as though I couldn’t get in last week, I had to do my assessment this week…. I found a lovely model onย PurplePort to help meย out asย I was struggling to find someone ๐Ÿ™‚ย ย I got the photos I wanted, but I wont post them until I have finished editing them as they wont make sense until I have the finished image ๐Ÿ™‚ however it was funny when I had to find a male student from around the university to play the “taxi man” his name turned out to be Fabbi or Fabby hahaha we thought he was called Kevin or Gary, but he came from the graphics side of the building…. he was excellent at playing the taxi man and handing over the money lol…… Hopefully this turns out good.

Tuesday 15th December!

I decided to take you with me to university today…. in a way it was funny but on the other hand it was pretty boring for you hahaha… I did get to apply some bright pink lipstick to your face which you didn’t let me take pictures of and for once!!!!! I didn’t fall asleep during lesson…. YOU DID!!!!! (See Exhibit A & B )

This lesson involved a demo on the 1940’s era and how makeup has evolved over the years… on a discussion about the 18th century we were asked who came before them on the timeline… it came to the Egyptians and yes I am going to admit I came out with the most stupid line ever!!!! Drum roll Please……… They were around when the Dinosaurs were about hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha silly me! Nadia wouldn’t let me live it down! hahahaha

Next up was Tina’s lesson and this week we were making our own baldcaps for when we do face casting in the New Year ๐Ÿ˜› so you became my minion and helped me out… instead of making one at a time, you came in handy and helped me make 2 at once even though you did put a hole in yours because you were messing around…. I’m looking forward to face casting… think this is going to be fun when we get to slap plaster Paris over each others face’s this is going to be hilarious.

Next weeks Christmas & its going to be full of festivity ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m looking forward to it ๐Ÿ™‚

Speak Soon

Hannah xx


Dear Sam…..